
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Review : Laneige Water Sleeping Mask

Dear girls, pada artikel kali ini aku akan review tentang Laneige water sleeping mask <3

Produk Laneige yang satu ini memang lagi booming dan hits banget di kalangan pecinta skincare. Sebenernya produk apa, gimana cara pakai, dan manfaatnya sih? Yuk kita bahas bareng.Laneige water sleeping mask adalah produk skincare berupa gel ringan yang digunakan malam hari. Secara fisik produk ini memiliki tekstur gel lembut, berwarna bening kebiruan, dan berbasis air. Ketika diaplikasikan ke wajah, gel ini akan terasa sejuk dan super cepat menyerap! Dengan sedikit saja gel ini sudah cukup untuk cover seluruh wajah. Ditambah lagi aroma gel yang wangi banget, dan memang sudah terkonfirmasi kalau gel ini memiliki aroma terapi yang membantu kita untuk relax saat tidur.

Apa saja komposisi produk ini? Be a smart girl, sebelum kita pakai ke wajah jangan lupa selalu cek bahan penyusunnya yaa.
water, butylene glycol, cyclopentasiloxane, glycerin, cyclohexasiloxane, trehalose, prunus armeniaca (apricot), fruit extract, beta-glucan, castanea sativa (chesnut) seed extract, salix nigra (willow) bark extract, hydroxypropyl bispalmitamide MEA, salicornia herbacea extract, 1,2-hexanediol, glycogen, glutamic acid

As a chemist, ku juga akan bahas sedikit kandungan produk ini. Oke, mostly produk ini mengandung ekstrak bahan alami seperti ekstrak buah apricot, chesnut, dan willow. Bahan tersebut diketahui punya banyak kandungan minyak dan vitamin alami. Gel ini juga mengandung air dengan kadar tinggi, ga berbahan dasar minyak. Jadi aman untuk oily skin. Senyawa lain yang aku highlight adalah hydroxypropyl bispalitamide MEA. Senyawa ini adalah senyawa turunan seramid yang berfungsi sebagai moisturizer, penghilang keriput, dan mengatasi kulit kering. Senyawa ini memang umum digunakan dalam campuran lotion, sunscreen, conditioner, dan lip product. Untuk membentuk tekstur gel dan creamy nya, produk ini juga menggunakan polimer beta-glucan. Polimer ini berbasis gula dan aman untuk kulit. Over all, kulihat produk ini memang kandungan nya kebanyakan senyawa alami dan gaada zat sintesis yang berisiko.

Waktu yang tepat untuk menggunakan produk ini yaitu sebelum tidur. Girls, sebelum menggunakannya pastikan kamu sudah cuci wajahmu dengan bersih yaa. Cukup gunakan sedikit produk ini dan aplikasikan ke wajah serta leher. Sebaiknya, jangan gunakan produk perawatan lain pada kulitmu. Beberapa reviewer lain berkomentar kalau penggunaan bersamaan dengan produk lain seperti krim pemutih atau krim jerawat dari dokter, moisturizer, dan sleeping mask lain justru menyebabkan kulit bruntusan dan menimbulkan jerawat, hiiii. Jadi tipsnya, gunakan saja secara bergantian pada hari yang berbeda, jangan dicampur. Pagi harinya, jangan lupa bilas sleeping mask ini dengan air dingin. Penggunaan sabun cuci muka diizinkan kok.

Terakhir, aku bakal share apa yang aku rasain setelah menggunakannya secara rutin. Oiya aku pakai gel ini hampir tiap hari dan efeknya... sebagus itu. Tiap habis cuci muka pagi rasanya kulitku jadi lebih bersih (bekas jerawat perlahan memudar), putih, dan super kenyal! Beneran kenyal dan halus. Efeknya bahkan dari pemakaian pertama. Kulit lebih sehat dan terhidrasi. Kulitku tipe kulit kering jadi dengan produk ini bener-bener perbaikin tekstur kulitku. Dan aku rekomendasi banget produk ini buat night routine kalian. Untuk harga, produk ini memang menguras kantong. Kemasan 70 mL produk ini dibadrol Rp 350.000, hmm kalo dipakai tiap hari pun itu kayanya bakal habis dalam 1 tahun deh.. But don’t worry. Kalian bisa nemuin produk ini dalam ukuran kecil, travel size 15 mL dengan harga Rp 50.000 aja, dan karena aku kemarin baru coba, aku beli dalam ukuran ini dulu. Suprisingly, setiap hari aku pakai dia baru habis dalam 5 bulan. Tergantung pemakaian dan dosis tiap pakai, tapi ini super awet kok. Oiya produk ini kubeli di online shop, udah banyak kok sekarang.

That’s all review about Laneige water sleeping mask, semoga bermanfaat girls <3

Sumber :

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dear Prom





When You Stressed Out


Worrying about something? Maybe a student with a lot of homework and test? Or do you have problems? Do you feel 'oh I want to lock myself in my room forever'? No, you're not the only one. Actually many of teenagers feel the same. There are some factors, such as problem with their friends, stressed out with too many things to do at school, bullying, not confident, etc. Look at my tips maybe it can help.

1. Love yourself. When you love yourself, the confident will come. It's not like 'I want to be skinny' when you're not or 'oh I want to be pretty' so you do anything extra to look like a model. It's as simple like look yourself at the mirror and think. Think how your parents love you, think about someone who might love you, think about your true friends, and thank God how you're grateful to have them in your life. How it's really nice to just be you.

2. When haters come, give them your best smile! What? How this supposed to work? Think like you're in their position. You want the person you don't like to have mental-breakdown. But, when they actually look happy, you will start to reason why. You are strong. You are brave. You are shining. You have all that you need so you don't have too listen sarcastic opinion when you know you're not like that. Don't worry because haters gonna hate.

3. If something don't work like your plan, don't panic, don't move backward. It's normal to feeling down but believe me when you're plan don't work,God always has answer. Maybe not today, but someday you'll realize God had led you to the perfect way of life you can't imagine.

4.Time table for busy girl. The most effective way to finish your homeworks and prepare tests is to be strict with yourself. Get some commitment, such as 'I must finish my paper in 1 hour' or 'I have 1 week for math test. Better start to study from now'. When you achieve your commitment, you can give yourself a treat like a movie night or hangout or buy a bar of chocolate. Trust me, I've done this trick for years and really work!

5. Last, have a good sleep. No matter how busy you are, you should take a rest. Not only good for your body, it can relax your mind.

That's all from me, I hope it can work on you:)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

DIY: Ombre Hair

Ombre hair is a coloring effect in which the bottom portion of your hair looks lighter than the top portion. Done haphazardly, the effect can create a stark, unappealing contrast. In order to make the ombre effect look a little more natural, apply the dye in two separate steps, creating a gradient that gets lighter at your tips.

Part 1 of 3: Getting Started

1. Select your color. Ombre hair is meant to look hip and sophisticated - like the middle man between grown out roots and a dip dye. Therefore, you should choose a color that works well with your hair when faded gradually into your natural color. Your roots will be darker, so the available options are a lighter shade of brown, a shade of red/auburn, or a shade of blonde.
  • There are two types of ombre: traditional, and reverse. The traditional ombre has a lighter color at the tips of your hair than at the roots, while a reverse ombre has darker tips and lighter roots.
  • Avoid choosing a color that is drastically different from your own, unless you have long hair which gives you the necessary length to fade the two colors into each other.
  • The more subtle the color change, the more natural and sun-kissed your hair will appear.
  • Whenever possible, look for mild or all-natural dyes that will be less damaging to your hair.
2. Decide where you want the fade to stop. Equally important as the color selection is choosing where your natural color and dyed color will meet. The lower down your hair the two meet, the safer your look will be. Having the two colors meet too high has you run the risk of looking like you have grown-out roots, rather than a beautiful ombre. In general, the jawline is a good place to have the two tones meet, and you can add more color later if you’re unhappy having the ombre stop so low.

Part 2 of 3: Bleaching Your Hair

  1. Mix your bleach. Unless you are doing a reverse ombre, you will need to use bleach to lift the color from your hair. There is the option of using blonde hair dye - which is safer on your strands - but it doesn’t lift as much color so your end-result will be much more subtle. The easiest and cheapest at home bleach method is to use 20 volume peroxide and powdered bleach. Mix 2oz of the 20 volume peroxide until they are completely combined into a creamy mixture
    • Always mix the bleach in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling too much of the fumes

    2. Divide your hair into sections. Part your hair down the middle so that it is split half-and-half. Then, divide both halves into as many sections as you feel comfortable with. At the very least, you should divide each half into half again, splitting your hair into quarters. If you are not accustomed to dyeing your hair, though, you could also consider dividing your hair into six or eight smaller sections. Pin or tie each section off to separate it from the rest.
    3. Choose an application tool. If you’re using a dye or bleach kit, chances are you were provided with a small brush to apply the bleach. If not, a small toothbrush or similar soft, small brush will work well for application.

    4. Begin bleaching your hair. Add bleach starting at the ends and working your way up to the desired fade line. Don’t feel like you need to work fast or to work in large sections; work in such a way that you get all the strands evenly coated with the lightening product  

    5. Add a second coat of bleach. To get the gradual fade, a second coat of bleach must be layered over the first coat, but only at the tips. Do the second layer about halfway up the first to accomplish this.

    6.Let the bleach set. Depending on how light you want your hair to be, you will need to let the bleach set for anywhere from 10-45 minutes. For a slight change in color, leave the bleach in for only 10-20 minutes. For a more bold change in color, leave the bleach for 40-45 minute

    In order to avoid the brassy color that bleach can sometimes cause in hair, it is necessary to let it sit for only a little bit of time, or a lot

    7. Wash out the bleach. Keeping your gloves on, rinse out the bleach with warm water and a sulfate-free shampoo. Be sure to get out all the bleach, or else experience a platinum blonde accident. Add a deep conditioner to add a bit of nutrients to your now-stripped hair when you are finished.

    Part 3 of 3: Coloring Your Hair

    1. Ombre Hair Step 11.jpg
      Section off your hair once more. Divide your hair into its original sections. Tie off the ends with elastic bands or hair clips to make your dying job a bit easier. Use at least 2-3 sections, or as many more as you need to feel comfortable.
    2. Prepare your color. Most box hair dyes require a bit of measuring and mixing, so follow the instructions that it came with and prepare your dye. You should put on a second pair of latex gloves at this point as well.
    3. Ombre Hair Step 13.jpg
      Brush in your color. Follow the application instructions for your hair dye to properly add it to your hair. If you’re dying your hair with a traditional ombre (lighter ends), then apply the hair dye to all the bleached sections of hair and just a bit further up your strands as well. If you’re doing a reverse ombre, add the color just up to the color fad line, and then a second heavier coat near the tips (similar to the bleach application).
    4. Let the color set. Wait the allotted amount of time for your hair dye to set, as per the box instructions. Typically you leave the dye in for longer to get a more bold/significant color change. You may need to cover your hair with a shower cap or other covering to help the dye set at this time as well.
    5.  Wash out the hair color. Rinse your hair well with warm water in the shower, with a sulfate-free shampoo. Bleaching/coloring your hair can be very damaging, so take the time to do one or two wash-throughs with a deep conditioner to help add some moisture back to your locks. 
    6. Dry and style your hair as per usual. With your hair being a tad fried from the chemical dye, it may be best to allow it to air-dry and avoid any hot tools. However, if you’re like most of us you’ll want to blow dry your hair right away and get it looking back to normal. Doing this also allows you to determine if you’ve gotten the color you want, or if you need to do some touching up post-dye

    source : wikihow


Do you want to know a special trick for everyday awesome you? Here's some optional combination for a new you everyday freshness.

Sneakers are never old they say. Yup. Agree. Ombre short pants and loose blouse look cool and simple with buns up hair.

 GEEK ACTIVITY. Yeah, for you stylish student those stuffs are a must. Colorful combination can make your day!

Girly and want to try something stunning? Hot pink and dark blue color is perfect.

 I love pastel. You love pastel. Everybody loves it. You can mix up pastel with colorful stuff like that rainbow hot pants for new style. Dare enough?

mix & match

Girls. Do you know your old cocktail dress can be awesome again? Just try a new look! It's really good to know you can make many different styles with just one dress. Mix & match with colorful accessories and you'll find your dress isn't boring anymore. Dare? Just take a look.

 Well, this pink cocktail dress is really cute with elegant soft brown watch and soft grey clucth. Princess wanna be! 

 Wanna try a hot pink accent? Be girly with pastel dress and bag, be super girly with those pink accents!

  Such a perfect day to go out! Don't worry, this feminine vintage style will suite you up. Everybody likes pastel color. Mix it with floral dress and voila! You've got this cute style.

This is one of a neutral cocktail dress. You can mix black cocktail dress with EVERYTHING.
Be glam with elegant color such as silver and gold.
Be sporty with sneakers and cardigan in tone.
Be cute with girly color accent like pink and purple for your heels.
And try vintage with pastel color combination!

So, what are you waiting for? Try it up! :)